Thursday, August 29, 2019

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Essay - 1

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Discussion Board 2 - Essay Example Also the other functions of the company like the Human resources and pays department can also be outsourced and this will help the company improve and concentrate in the online sales to improve the online business. Yes, it would be very beneficial for FYC to outsource near its distribution centre for the starting phase. This will be helpful as the company needs to maintain communication with the customers which will allow the company to understand the needs of the customers as well as for the customers to get to know the company better as well. The company will however be able to gain complete cost benefits only by outsourcing offshore (Brown & Wilson, 2005). The possibility of this however is only once the company is able to restructure the organisational tree and the company is able to coordinate the functions with the assistance of the local call centres. However the company can also benefit from the local outsourcing and this is mainly only possible if the company details it internal restructuring and also develops its online business and increases while other processes are outsourced, like mentioned earlier. FYC will also gain as it will gain newer customer from the online portal and will mostly be from high class and best companies using the state of the art

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