Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Recruitment, Training and Compensation Assignment

Recruitment, Training and Compensation - Assignment Example A Telenor company is purely 100% owned by Telenor ASA in addition to adds-on to its operations in the continent Asia plus country Malaysia,Pakistan , Thailand, and Bangladesh. In March of the year 2005 Telenor in Pakistan successfully launched its operations in Pakistan just like a single biggest direct European investment, while setting their priority for further more foreign investments in the sector of telecom (Telenor Group, 2012). As of end of December in the year of 2013 ,It has got a subscriber base of around 150 million all over the world. It specifically ranked among the top 500 largest mobile operator in the world with a total of around 150 million of subscribers in the mobile operations. The company names Telenor ASA is actually an international provider of very high quality telecommunications, all data along with media communication services. They have broadened themselves from corner to corner in the country where they have operated, and having around more than thirty on e thousand plus employee . Telenor has set up cellular phone operations in 12 different markets and as well in 17 markets via our  ownership in VimpelCom Ltd. ... The process of Personnel selection is the systematic placement of persons into the main jobs for the duration of which applications are calculated against currently available and offered vacancies and evaluated as per the skills, talents and experience of the applicant in the compliance with the Telenor selection procedure that is without a doubt specified in the Recruitment Policy. . . . . . The strategy or the policy that Telenor adopted is in this manner as described below: Coordination with all of the departments on the recruitments and sourcing of the well qualified candidates in conformity with an approved hiring plan. Job advertisement is done through web site or the newspapers or via third party recruitment sources. . . . . . . . CV Screening and short listing, as well as conducting interviews plus tests. Synchronize with the selected universities for graduate placements and internship. An appropriate match is essential and compulsory between culture and employee in the recru itment hand hiring if the individual Excellence Division feels just like a person will not be capable to adjust in the environment of the organization, although he/she is doing functionally very well, the individual is completely rejected. . . . . The talent and the appropriate skills that are actually required by the main and major company Telenor is that each and every employee should have very high-quality communication skill, have to be result oriented, ought to be developing yourself as well as others having the capability of innovation , should be a very good team player. Question no 3:Outline a training and development strategy for your selected MNE that could be used to effectively meet organizational requirements for operating in multiple countries Telenor is

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